I found this web site Center for Resilience; Empowering People to Empower Themselves cool and interesting. When I was looking through the website and I watch the videos it reminded me of the conference I attended, which was Promising Practice. This center goal is "developing strategies to manage academic, emotional and social challenges, the Resilient Kids Curriculum helps students to successfully navigate their path to becoming engaged adults, global citizens and community leaders." Their approach is "We offer an innovative mindfulness program that is seamlessly integrated into the school day to build self-regulation, stress management, perseverance, and empathy – the foundations to academic achievement, college & career readiness, and life-long success." I connected this with Robert Brooks presentation because the program that the center is using is called mindfulness. Brooks spoke about mindset. "The power of mindset is the assumptions and expectations we have for ourselves and others that guide our behavior. Mindsets play a powerful role in impacting on all aspects of our lives of those we work to become more resilient." Brooks also stated, "In the 1990s I began to use the concept resilient mindset that incorporated both social- emotional as well achievement components in the definition." With the mindfulness program the students using their mindset, which has to do a lot with their social and emotional self.
Also, when I seen the list of schools that run the mindfulness program I was shocked. I never heard of this program until now and would actually like to see it in person. It was nice to see personal videos from teachers and students from Providence Rhode Island.Seeing their success and rate, makes me wonder would it really work for all schools. Also, if it has been working really well, why not all schools grab on to the model?
I agree. I would like to see this run in person. I thought the videos were great in showing how the center worked too.