Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Context Mapping

Context mapping is where you can list and illustrate different environments and relationships to an individual's life. In the story Mitch uses this tool to further analyze Julian's relationship with different people in his life. Also, he used it to evaluate the different relationships in how it have affected his identity development.
  1. Foreclosed identity- one in which individual has committed to a life direction or way of being without exploring it carefully and without experimenting with alternatives.
  2. Diffuse identity- state in which there has been little exploration or active consideration of a particular identity and no psychological commitment to one.
  3. Identity moratorium-Developmental state in which one actively explored roles and beliefs, behaviors and relationships, but refrains from making a commitment.
  4. Achieved identity- When identity crisis is resolved and the commitment to the selected identity is high. ( Individual has successfully integrated his ego-identity needs from the past, within the present, and into the future and can therefore display a certain

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Philosophy of Youth Work

After doing the Ideology Inventory my score came out to be 15 for Risk, Resiliency and prevention, 12 for Critical Youth Development, and 9 for Positive Youth Development. According to the ideology inventory, when it comes to youth work my values lies to risk, resilient and prevention.  When I seen the results I was not surprise. I believe it did not surprise me because growing up I felt like I was always in an environment where most youth are not in the best predicament. They need help, are getting help, or seeking help. I felt like this has grown on me and I want to be able to help the youth over come their barriers. Also, I think this ties into the critical part for me. 

According to the YDEV ideology horoscope if you identify with Risk, Resiliency and Prevention the belief is, 
          "Teens’ brains are not fully developed, and so teens do not always make the “best”decisions.                Children and teens need specific coaching in how to make good choices for themselves. Urban            youth lack “cultural capital.”

Honestly, I do not really believe this. I feel like a lot of teens are capable of making their own "best" decisions. Also, when it says best, I am wondering who is speaking. Is it coming from an adult point of view, where they do no think it the best decision because they do not agree upon it. Also, I feel like there is more topics to cover other than teen pregnancy, drug use, and gang activity etc. I feel like many youth are put in predicaments where they could not control. Many times they are stuck fending for themselves.